"Keeping Donut Nation Alive" - Travis Oberg
I first noticed this wonderful establishment while traveling from Santa Cruz, CA to Hume Lake. I was driving with Travis Oberg and as we were driving through the heart of Los Banos he pointed and said, "Pull over. We need to keep donut nation alive." I thought to that was a great idea. Now, after driving through and stopping there over 10 times I'm not so sure that they are staying in business because of the donuts Travis and I buy. I think they have much support from the local Los Banians and that, along with a great name (Donut Nation) is what keeps this place producing wonderful nuggets of greasy joy.
Service: 4 1/2 Nadas
The people are very friendly. Their English is not the best but after frequenting many donut shops I have learned: heavy Asian accents equal delicious glaze donuts. ;)
Taste of Glaze Donut: 4 Nadas
I really enjoyed the donut. It was very fluffy, tasty and fresh. I don't know what else to say.
Coffee: 2 1/2 Nadas
When going to donut shops do not expect an Italian cappuccino coffee experience. The coffee here was not great. I would put it just below average.
Vibe of the shop: 5 Nadas
This donut shop was comfortable. It reminded me of my favorite donut shop back in Santa Cruz, Ferrell's Donuts. It kind of felt like home.
Donut Selection: 4 1/2 Nadas
When we stopped by it was around 9pm or so and they had a full selection. Great job keeping up the donut production.
Overall I love the location. Los Banos is never the destination. It is always a town to pass through so having a quality donut as a rest stop to break up the drive is a treat. Thank you, Donut Nation, for keeping keeping me sane on the road and easing road rage.