Yum Yum Donuts – Willow Glen, CA

Overall Shop Rating: 3 Nadas

Sundays are my favorite days. I’m usually leading music for a church in any given town in California and, as I’ve traveled, I’ve noticed that donut shops must love Sundays also. In my experience, before or after church the local donut shops are packed with early rising church-goers and it makes me wonder how connected Jesus and donuts are. I would love it if, when I get to heaven, God tells me that when he provided mana for the Israelites in the desert, it was actually donuts. On this Sunday I found myself in Willow Glen and after church I was hungry so I wandered until I stumbled on Yum Yum Donuts.

Vibe of Shop: 3 ¾ Nadas

I’ve noticed that there are these posters I see all over the place in corporate donut shops. There’s one I particularly appreciate: “With a donut in each hand anything is possible.” This place was very clean and put together like good chain should be, but I prefer a more vintage donut shop feel.

Outside Appearance: 4 Nadas

This place had a nice corner location with ample parking and a pay phone. The only thing missing is some tables for donut consumption and vibe out time with old friends.

Hours: “24 Hours - Always Open”

Service: 2 Nadas

I can understand that shops get busy and stuff, but I appreciate it when the servers make the customers feel welcomed like a guest in a home. This place was all business.

Taste of Glaze Donut: 3 Nadas

Average. That’s about all I have to say. The balance was off between the fluffiness and moistness.

Blueberry Donut? Yes, but I didn’t try it.

Coffee: 3 Nadas

Sometimes coffee is just coffee and that’s all you need. On this day I didn’t need froo-froo coffee. I was in the mood for black liquid consciousness. This coffee did the job but didn’t impress at all.

Special: I really enjoyed the beautiful sprinkles and bright colored frostings on the donuts. It made me feel like a child again as I smiled in my reminiscent moment.

Also, I laughed at the poster that said Nutrition. I know that they are legally obligated to post nutrition facts but I thought it funny that the word nutrition was posted in a donut shop.

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Unknown said...

Nearby Manley's Donut Shop (1080 Lincoln Ave) is far superior IMO.

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best donuts in Albuquerque said...

Amy's Donuts location in donut shop Albuquerque, New Mexico. Amy's Donuts is a chain that primarily operates in Colorado, Arizona, and Texas.

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